Monday, May 26, 2008

Leggie Blonde

This is freaking hilarious, especially around 2:15

but it's funnier if you watch the whole thing. I'll link all the episodes for Flight of the Conchords on the nav bar.

Another good one. lol =]

And this one's a classic. The first one I've seen. This whole episode's good

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Saturday, May 17, 2008

All I have to say is...


I started looking at the pics thinking, " that's awesome...interesting..." and so forth until it turned into " fuckin moses what drugs is this person on?!"

The 9 Most Badass Bible Versus


Best Quotes from this:

"It should be pointed out that even after his death, Elisha continued to kick ass. II Kings 13:20-21 tells us that when a dead body was thrown into his tomb and touched Elisha's bones, it sprang back to life. It's unknown whether Elisha had this power in life, as well as death, but we like to think he did and that he had the habit of killing his victims with bears, resurrecting them, and then promptly re-summoning the bears to kill them, again. He'd just repeat the whole thing over and over until he got bored."

[Quote following this Bible verse: "If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity."]
"The words in the Bible are actually those of God, speaking to the Hebrews and taking time to add the junk-grab rule into the supplemental commandments that didn't make it into the original 10. This had to be right after God realized his plan for a male-dominated society had a fatal flaw, which is that the women could prevail in any conflict simply by grabbing the men's junk."

followed by:

"Of course, if you're not a believer and don't think this "grab the nuts, lose a hand" commandment is from the almighty at all, then it becomes obvious what happened: The rule was handed down by some angry clergyman within the first minute or so of having his junk crushed. All perspective tends to go out the window at that moment."

Fishing pics! (and more)

New throwup. =]

Nathan and I were walking threw here in the back of the mall.

He was trying to convince me to do something,

Symmetry! =]

This pic totally says:
Hunter: "Bitch whurr mah fish be at??"
Ashley: *does that black girl breath/smack thing* "Nigga, puh-lease I ain't got none
yo fish. You get it cho self!"

I wish they rly talked like that. lol

Walked to the pond where hunter caught a perch.

Eventually went to the WaterWay and fished under a bridge.
We would catch something within a few seconds of dropping the hook in the water.

endless perch ftw

Nathan caught a perch,and was terrified of it. It's on the left of the pic and he's on the right.
He refused to get any closer than that and I had to take the hook out.

the lights changed colors.
it was cool =]

green tunnel and yellow trees!

Ashley ended up catching a huge perch.
Once again all we fished with was our hand, holding a fishing wire, with either a bare hook or sometimes a piece of bread on the hook.

This was like the coolest color of the tunnel
Oh and some friends of Hunter happened to walk by and joined us


I love my camera =]

(L to R) Ashley. Hunter. David. Garret Peery's girlfriend (sry idk her name). and Garret.

We're going to start fishing more often. =]

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


And it's fucking awesome.

Be jealous. I know you are.

It was a little over a foot long. I caught it on the bridge at
Tamarac Park with a fishing wire, hook, and bread. =]

Also, Hunter caught a catfish bigger than mine, but my phone was being
fucking gay and after 2 minutes of trying to take the damn picture I gave up. lol

Monday, May 12, 2008


Ok so first I did this to my desk on Doc's class.

Then today, JC and I started with a blank sheet of paper:

I drew all of this.

then JC colored it.


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

5 Reasons Humanity is Doomed


It's pretty hilarious. Best quote from the whole thing:

"Wow this is quite an epileptic seizure I'm having"

Friday, May 02, 2008


Retuch and I were at his house, and we thought somebody was home. After discussing what to do for a while, we decided to check and see if somebody was here. Then:

Andrew: If somebody's here let's go to Jack in the Box.
Nathan: Let's go to Jack in the Box anyway.
Andrew: Haha! Yeah, I know. =]

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I Am Free

"go to work, send your kids to school
follow fashion, act normal
walk on the pavements, watch T.V.
save for your old age, obey the law
Repeat after me: I am free"

Monday, April 28, 2008

God created Earth:

October 23, 4004 BC

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

(according to Mr. Reney + the internet + christians)

(Oh yeah, and fossils are "God's little joke")

Sunday, April 27, 2008

New pics from Tamarac

The zip line was so much fun. =]

Wunderbar posing, yes?

I don't know why...

...but this made me think of brock. I repeat, I don't know why.


So one of my very first posts was of my dream home. And Cristie actually figured out where it is. Bora Bora, French Polynesia.


New Background

I have a new desktop setup because I screwed up my chopsticks one. lol
I took the picture of me with chopsticks, made it my background, put the icons in place, then took the screen shot. Well afterwards, I have no idea why, I deleted the original picture and just kept the screenshot. Well my computer flipped shit and my background screwed up, so I made the screenshot of it my back ground but then I got new icons and changed my ObjectDock so it didn't match with the screenshot anymore.

So I changed it to this:

I took this picture when I was in San Padre, Mexico.

But I think it looks cool. =]

Saturday, April 26, 2008

New Quotes

Ok so the first one is from Friday. Retuchn, Rachelle and I walked into the Jack in the Box on rayford. We all ordered and everything and the lady was about to give me my receipt when a lady from the back walked up, looked at us for a minute and said:

"Ya'll are higher than a bitch!"

I took my cup and walked away, past Retuchn and Rachelle giggling and shit. lol

Also, yesterday we were at Marshall's house, and I was sitting in direct light of the sun when this conversation took place.

Chalito: "It's so hot outside."
Retuchn: (yelled very loudly) "THEN TAKE YOUR DICK OUT!!"

And today, we were at Marshall's house again. Nathan started getting into his "I think I'm gay" mood and starting touching us. Brock decided to test nathan and let nathan explore. At which time brock had a NRB (No-reason boner). Nathan wrapped his hand around it (through the jeans, of course. but still...) and started jacking it off while brock was in too much shock (or liking it too much) to stop him, until we both snap back and yell at him. lol

Nathan now claims that he "thought it was brock's zipper" or something.

Yeah whatever...

Update: New pictures =]

So I've got a lot of new pictures. Here they are.

Tamarac Park

He didn't want me to take pictures of him.

So i took lots of pictures of him. =]

I love swinging =]


I was told to hump the tree.

Aaron actually licked Adam's lip. It was pretty gay.
You can see Aaron was still moving forward, Adam ducked away. lol

They're really good friends.

And Marshall's not complaining.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Chapter 1 - Fuck The Environmentalists

I would like to begin by stating that I do not refer to those who recycle or wish to keep down pollution. I am referring to the bastards who keep us out of mountains and forests. The thing that pisses me off most about them is the oil crisis that they have not completely created but have heavily contributed to. Alone the western slopes of the Rockies contain enough oil to sustain our economy for one hundred years. Enough oil to supply all of America for a whole century and we are not allowed to use it. And there could even be more but the environmentalists were able to have a law passed to keep us out. They say it is destroying the natural resources of the Earth but oil just sits under the ground anyways. If we don't use it then it goes to waste and the American people suffer for it. Now if it seems like the Rocky Mountains holds a vastsum of oil then think again. It is not known for sure how much oil is under the Alaskan ice but there is a lot more than the Rockies. The only problem is it is all located underneath a large wildlife preserve. Originally it was proposed to put aside a few small acres for the oil companies to dig into the reserve, but no. The environmentalists were scared that this would release to much pollution into the air destroying the surrounding areas and wildlife. The oil industry saw there point to this and thus came with another proposition, to biuld in the ocean and drill sideways into the oil reserve from under water. Sounds good, eh? NO. Of course this was not acceptable to the Enviros and they once again got another law passed having no digging to be done in the Alaskan Wildlife Preserve. Because of the long wait and the huge mass of oil sitting underground the Canadians are beginning to look at the prospect of digging underground and going sideways under our borders to tap into the reservoir. Even the Russians are looking at using our plan of drilling from the ocean. So now the oil that is underneath our country is going to be drilled by other countries and sold back to us. So we are essentially having oil stolen from us and sold right back. And if congressmen had any backbone today the Environmentalists wouldn't get what they wanted. So while waiting to see if gas will rise to five dollars or not the Environmentalists sit thewre and think that they are helping our country.

Prologue; An Epic of Galactic Proportions

Because Andrew said so I'm writing a prologue. Semicolon is because Andrew wanted normal colon. These posts that will soon follow are nothing but my thouhts and views on the world, life, and death. If you don't like it then stop reading and continue on your naive way down he road that is life. If you continue then big deal, I don't care. If you are offended by my views or attitude then get the fuck out. I am a very sarcastic and cynical indiviadual with no care for others thoughts and view things as they are not as I wish them to be. So now begins what is to be the chapters of the vault that is the human mind. These are the riches of my vault, Brock Martof.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I love my Buddha. =]

So cristie got me some freaking awesome gifts from Disneyworld.

The Balls are Zen Meditation Balls that ring.
(I embed a sound clip of them but idk if it will work.)

You rotate the balls around your hand and they ring and make music. =]

Play Sample


I've arrived...


Thine Divine Bong

(9:43:13 PM) Anonymous: dude it hits like
(9:43:20 PM) Anonymous: it hits like god exists
(9:43:35 PM) Andrew: hahahahahaha


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Everybody loves Legos

So after a discussion in physics, I made a pipe out of legos.

foil filters it.
