Hunter: "Bitch whurr mah fish be at??"
Ashley: *does that black girl breath/smack thing* "Nigga, puh-lease I ain't got none
yo fish. You get it cho self!"
I wish they rly talked like that. lol
Eventually went to the WaterWay and fished under a bridge.
We would catch something within a few seconds of dropping the hook in the water.
Nathan caught a perch,and was terrified of it. It's on the left of the pic and he's on the right.
He refused to get any closer than that and I had to take the hook out.
Ashley ended up catching a huge perch.
Once again all we fished with was our hand, holding a fishing wire, with either a bare hook or sometimes a piece of bread on the hook.
This was like the coolest color of the tunnel
Oh and some friends of Hunter happened to walk by and joined us
We're going to start fishing more often. =]
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